K-5 ELA Curriculum Coach
Curriculum & Instruction
The office of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction ensures that the programs and instruction provided by the district assist students to achieve the goals outlined in our District and School Advancement Plans. The Assistant Superintendent works with school administration, teachers, peer based Curriculum Coaches, the Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC), the District Curriculum Cabinet, the Board of Education’s Curriculum and Instruction Subcommittee, and various other parent and community stakeholders to provide an integrated system of curriculum and instruction that meets the unique needs of each and every student.
You can teach students a lesson for a day; but if you can teach them to learn by creating curiosity, they will continue the learning process as long as they live.
Clay P. Bedford
Michelle Zawawi
assistant superintendent
Curriculum and Instruction
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Hannah Perry
Administrative Assistant
Curriculum Coaches
Curriculum coaches work with teachers in a variety of ways. An essential component is providing professional learning experiences on an ongoing basis with teachers as both individuals and teams. Curriculum coaches model lessons, set student goals with teachers, work with Professional Learning Communities, assist with students individually and in small groups, co-teach, and provide feedback to teachers.
An integral part of the role is facilitating professional development both with and for teaching staff. Curriculum Coaches plan and present professional development in collaboration with school administration. Additionally, Curriculum Coaches work collaboratively to ensure vertical alignment, review curriculum expectations, and discuss instructional strategies and practices to improve student outcomes. We offer one another insight and knowledge to best meet the needs of our individual teachers.
Grades PreK-2
Elementary Curriculum
Measuring Student Growth
Report Card Guide
Literacy Assessments
- Benchmark Assessment System
- DIBELS Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Quick Phonics Screener (QPS)
- Reading unit assessments (ongoing after each unit of study)
Math Assessments
- 3 Act Math Tasks
- Common Formative Assessments - within the units of Investigations In Number, Data, and Space
- 2nd Grade: Math Running Records to assess Fact Fluency in addition and subtraction
- Observation and Conferring
- Math STAR Screener 3x a year Grades 1 & 2
- Bridges Intervention progress monitoring and placement assessments
- Early Numeracy Interview
- First Steps Tasks
Portrait of a Graduate
Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Suffield’s Vision for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
The Suffield Public Schools support the state model for using Multi-tiered Systems of Support practices in education to provide high quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs. A focus is maintained on prevention, early intervention, and comprehensive supports of different levels of intensity to support all students demonstrating diverse levels of risk. MTSS ensures that all students receive timely support in order to develop the strategies and skills necessary to meet grade-level expectations.
Reading Guide for Parents
ELA Common Core State Standards
Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Frameworks
Science of Reading Information
Amplify CKLA Information
Website Recommendations
- Starfall - Practice phonics skills and read along stories
- Storyline Online - Hear some of your favorite stories read aloud by some of your favorite celebrities!
- National Geographic for Kids - Learn about geography and animals
- ABC YA - Practice math and reading skills while playing fun games!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
Math Standards
Science Standards
Computer Science Standards (International Society for Technology Education)
Numeracy Specialist
Kate Guggino
PreK-2 Math Interventionist
The math interventionist works collaboratively with teachers and the STEM coach to move all students towards specific learning targets. The interventionist helps teachers to identify students struggling to meet grade level standards. Once students are identified, the math interventionist works with the math team and classroom teachers to develop and implement lessons to meet student needs.
Reading Interventionist
Kate Sweeney
PreK-2 Reading Interventionist
The reading interventionist works alongside teachers and the ELA Coach, working with small groups in classrooms, providing intense reading instruction in tier 3. The interventionist helps teachers to identify students struggling to meet grade level standards. Our goal is to reach each child’s needs.
Grades 3-5
Intermediate Curriculum
Measuring Student Growth
Report Card Guide
Literacy Assessments
- Benchmark reading assessments (BAS) (three times per year)
- Fundations Assessments (grade 3)
- Monthly running records
- SBAC Interim Assessments
- Writing On Demand Assessments
- DIBELS Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Quick Phonics Screener (QPS)
STEM Assessments
- Observation and Conferring
- 3 Act Math Tasks
- Common Formative Assessments - within the units of Investigations In Number, Data, and Space
- Math Running Records to assess Fact Fluency: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Math STAR Screener 3x a year
- SBAC Interim Assessments
- Bridges Intervention program
- Science - NGSS Assessments - Grade 5
Smarter Balanced Resource Guides
Portrait of a Graduate
Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Suffield’s Vision for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
The Suffield Public Schools support the state model for using Multi-tiered Systems of Support practices in education to provide high quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs. A focus is maintained on prevention, early intervention, and comprehensive supports of different levels of intensity to support all students demonstrating diverse levels of risk. MTSS ensures that all students receive timely support in order to develop the strategies and skills necessary to meet grade-level expectations.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
- Math Standards
- Science Standards
- Computer Science Standards (International Society for Technology Education)
Math Interventionist
Melissa Fortunato
3-5 Math Interventionist
The math interventionist works collaboratively with teachers and the STEM coach to move all students towards specific learning targets. The interventionist helps teachers to identify students struggling to meet grade level standards. Once students are identified, the math interventionist works with the math team and classroom teachers to develop and implement lessons to meet student needs.
Reading Interventionist
Jessica Violette
3-5 Reading Interventionist
The reading interventionist works alongside teachers and the ELA Coach, working with small groups in classrooms, providing intense reading instruction in tier 3. The interventionist helps teachers to identify students struggling to meet grade level standards. Our goal is to reach each child’s needs.
Grades 6-8
Middle School Curriculum
Measuring Student Growth
Literacy Assessments
- Benchmark Reading Assessments in fall, winter, spring (Grade 6 and as needed in grades 7 and 8)
- Spelling Inventory Assessments (grade 6 and as needed in grades 7 and 8)
- Common Formative and Summative Assessments in reading and writing
- PSAT 8/9 (grades 7 and 8)
- SBAC Interim Assessments
STEM Assessments
- Pre and Post Unit Assessments for each unit of the IM Curriculum
- SBAC Interim Assessments
- Science - NGSS Assessment - Grade 8
Portrait of a Graduate
Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Suffield’s Vision for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
The Suffield Public Schools support the state model for using Multi-tiered Systems of Support practices in education to provide high quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs. A focus is maintained on prevention, early intervention, and comprehensive supports of different levels of intensity to support all students demonstrating diverse levels of risk. MTSS ensures that all students receive timely support in order to develop the strategies and skills necessary to meet grade-level expectations.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
- Math Standards
- Science Standards
- Computer Science Standards (International Society for Technology Education)
- Technology Education Standards
Math Interventionist
Kristin Parente
6-8 Math Interventionist
The math interventionist works collaboratively with teachers and the STEM coach to move all students towards specific learning targets. The interventionist helps teachers to identify students struggling to meet grade level standards. Once students are identified, the math interventionist works with the math team and classroom teachers to develop and implement lessons to meet student needs.
Reading Interventionist
Christena Reiser
6-8 Reading Interventionist
The reading interventionist works with small groups of struggling students to provide intense intruction in reading. Students will utilize and explore strategies to assist in comprehending material which can then be utilized across content areas. Additionally, the interventionist will collaborate with teachers to identify and support students who struggle to meet grade level standards as well as implement best practices in regards to reading across the curriculum.
Grades 9-12
High School Curriculum
Measuring Student Growth
Portrait of a Graduate
Multi-tiered Systems of Support
Suffield’s Vision for Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
The Suffield Public Schools support the state model for using Multi-tiered Systems of Support practices in education to provide high quality instruction and intervention matched to student needs. A focus is maintained on prevention, early intervention, and comprehensive supports of different levels of intensity to support all students demonstrating diverse levels of risk. MTSS ensures that all students receive timely support in order to develop the strategies and skills necessary to meet grade-level expectations.
- For course offerings, please see the Suffield High School Course Selection Manual.
College Board Resources - SAT/PSAT
SAT Preparation
- Khan Academy
- Students can link their College Board account directly to Khan Academy. Doing so will allow Khan Academy to prioritize areas that individual students need to focus on to improve their scores, while putting less emphasis on areas of strength.
- It is important that students’ primary log in for their College Board account is the same email address that is used when signing up for the SAT. It is recommended that students use a personal email account.
- SAT Study Guide
- The Official study guide from the College Board for the SAT.
- SAT Practice Tests
- Through your Khan Academy account, you can take an online practice test. Additionally, there are 10 other practice tests with answers that you can take.